
Showing posts from December, 2022

[Review] Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs

Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs is an existential horror game, developed by The Chinese Room  and published by Frictional Games in 2013. Started development as a mod and is an indirect sequel to Amnesia: The Dark Descen t, set in the same universe, loosely tied together via references to its internal mythology. /// Premise You take control of Oswald Mandus, a millionaire industrialist from the late 1800s, after a bout of bad fever and memory loss, Oswald wakes up with his children missing while rumblings shake the walls of his mansion. Following the instructions of a mysterious man on the phone, Mandus will venture deep into the underground complex of the machine he has no memories of building, bringing its gargantuan mechanisms back to life in order to save his sons. /// Gameplay What do you mean? There is no gameplay, I'm only partially joking. Ok, let's get this out of the way, at its core, A Machine for Pigs is a narrative-driven game. In one fell swoop, it removed, inventory

[mini] Bulletstorm: Fullclip Edition

Bulletstorm is a first-person shooter developed by People Can Fly (the same studio behind Painkiller ) in collaboration with Epic Games . Published by Electronic Arts for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC. Later remastered and re-released in 2017 by Gearbox Software under the title Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition which is the version played for this review. /// Plot Bad boy black ops soldier Grey turns into a space pirate and swears revenge after being tricked into killing civilians by a comically evil, space confederate General Serrano. Years pass and Grey crosses paths with Serrano's capital ship, the situation goes south, leading to an emergency crash landing on the planet below. His friend gets injured, turned into an unstable cyborg, and off they go to enact revenge on the General, and maybe find a way out of the planet. It's a clichĂȘ fest and the game is aware of it. File it under Carmack's porno plot rule, expected story to be there but not the main draw. Als