[Review] Painkiller: Black Edition
Painkiller is a first-person shooter running on the Pain Engine, debut title of the Polish studio People Can Fly, it was published by DeamCatcher Interactive in April 2004. About a year later, it was re-released in its current Black Edition form which includes the Battle out of Hell Expansion. I will focus on the original game and not the Unreal Engine 3 remake called Painkiller: Hell and Damnation pushed out the door by Nordic Games in 2013, with less content, recut story, and it removed levels to be resold as individual DLC. It's just awful, I recommend sticking to Black Edition. /// Premise After a deadly car crash with his wife, Daniel Garner finds himself stuck in purgatory, an angel named Samael offers him a deal, become Heaven's Hitman, kill Lucifer's generals before a full war escalates, and he will be granted Heaven ascension and meet his wife again. With the hell horde marching through Purgatory, Garner has no time to waste. He signs the pact. /// Structure The ga...